Contact: Chicas Latinas de Sacramento

Contact the Chicas Latinas de Sacramento using the form below to request more information, ask a question, get involved or add a community event to our calendar. Please provide as many specifics as possible – including your contact information. 


*Due to the high level of emails and limited staff, there may be a delayed response – thank you for your patience and support!

Request Volunteers / Speakers,

Volunteer to Feed the Homeless,

Join Chicas’ Running Group,

Join a Committee,

Board Application,


Tax ID: 46-1048619

Click below to contact us on Facebook, Twitter, RSS, or Meetup! 

"Like" the Chicas Latinas de Sacramento on Faceobook! Follow the Chicas Latinas de Sacramento on Twitter! Subscribe to the Chicas Latinas de Sacramento's blog! Join the Chicas Latinas de Sacramento on Meetup!

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